sugar, spice and everything nice...well, almost

These pages are still underconstruction.
Each actress will eventually have her own page with a Biography, a list of Film and Television work, Pictures and Links to websites about her. I encourage all who visit this site to recommend your favorite actress to me. Perhaps she'll end up on my list. Also, if you see an actress listed on this page that you like, feel free to e-mail me and tell me what you think of this actress. All responses will be posted on the actress's page. I will also be taking reviews of the actress's movies that will be posted on the actress's page, as well. Only positive responses will be posted. Thank you!

Anderson, Gillian
Hamilton, Linda
Lawless, Lucy
Mastrantonio, Mary Elizabeth
O'Conner, Renee
Roberts, Julia
Weaver, Sigourney
Winslet, Kate

Go to the Movies Page

Copyrite © July 2000, Jennifer Gale Lawson

Not all the image on this site are my original scans. Some have been taken from other web sites. If you happen to notice any images that you believe belong to you, then please e-mail me and I will make sure that your site gets the proper credit. Any images that are my original scans will be marked with asterisks (*). All graphical images created specifically for this web site are my own creations. They are not to be used at all without proper authorization. Thank you.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to e-mail me.